About the authors:Kelly Harris received her M.F.A. in poetry and arts therapy from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. She has received fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown and Cave Cavem. Most recently, her her multi-media poetic essay, "Dear Naomi (and Black Girls Everywhere) received national attention when it attracted 3K+views. She has poems in the current issue of Torch Literary Magazine and podcast on About Place Journal's website on Congo Square: Sustaining the Sacred Post-Katrina. Some of her other publishing credits include: The National Parks Service centennial commemoration publication with Sonia Sanchez, Yale University's Cadecus Journal, Southern Review, Say it Loud: Poems for James Brown. Her poetry CD, Revival, was released last year. Kalamu ya Salaam calls Kelly, "the sound of wonderful." Sarah L. Webb is an aunt, a writer, an educator, an advocate, and a butterfly. She geeks about almost everything, but most consistently about literacy, digital media and black women. She is the creator of ColorismHealing.org. Media from the event: